Winterizing your home, repair assistance for military veterans, volunteers needed
This is an initial edition of a new blog post from Mosaic in Action. We hope it serves well your needs!! In this edition you will find --
Helpful tips for winterizing your home,
An offer of home repair assistance for military veterans, and
A call for volunteers to assist the work of Mosaic.
Helpful tips for winterizing your home…
Most of us are aware of the terrible impacts that winter can have on homes on the Texas Gulf Coast – impacts that include burst pipes, power outages, and increased energy costs.
Here are a few tips that can help you to deal with the worst of these impacts –
Inspect your roof for missing or damaged shingles,
Remove debris that can further damage your roof or gutters,
Wrap your water pipes and remove their connections to hoses,
Secure your outdoor furniture with tie-downs to avoid blowing wind damage,
Check your windows and doors and weatherstrip air leaks,
Be sure your chimneys, especially those that serve fireplaces, are clean. It is also a good idea to have them professionally inspected,
Be sure your space heaters are safely located and managed (faulty wiring can be fire hazard),
Recheck your home’s insultation, especially attic insulation,
Consider flushing out your water heater to improve its efficiency
Housing Repair Assistance for Military Veterans….
Mosaic in Action is a beneficiary of a grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Veterans Home Rehabilitation and Modification Pilot program to the Coalition for Home Repair. If you are a military veteran residing in Brazoria County, or you know of one, in need of home repairs, accessibility modifications, installation of safety features, or energy efficient improvements. Check our Contact page for options to request assistance.
Volunteers needed…
Volunteers are needed for –
Helping to maintain and update the Mosaic in Action Website, and
Assisting with administrative tasks for 1 to 2 hours per week (can be done at home).
If interested, see our Contact page for options to let us know.
Help others by giving to Mosaic
To give, scan the QR code, phone (832-243-1898) or visit our Give page